Coffee and Contemplation

Hi everyone 🙂

I hope April is treating you all with kindness. So far for me this month has been a bit of a mixed bag personal wise and I have to admit to having moments of overthinking (which, trust me is never a good thing in my world.) However, things are calming down and as they do I’m seeing some areas/things in a new light. Decisions are being made, ones I now see are long overdue and they are all good 🙂

One of those decisions is to be more focused on my writing. With everything that has gone on my focus has wavered slightly, but no more. I’m working on setting a schedule in place that will enable me to set my focus where it needs to be so my career can progress forward. Its bare bones are already in place and seem to be working well.

Speaking of writing, both my secret project and the first book in the Hellbound Chronicles – Next Generation series are close to completion. I have already posted a small teaser regarding my secret project on my Facebook page, and fingers crossed one from the Hellbound Chronicles – Next Generation will be up soon, so make sure to keep a look out for it.

Well, that’s all for now, so back I go to working on my plan 🙂
