Things are Afoot

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my crazy and never boring world. There have been a few things going on that I want to share with you all, so here goes. Firstly, regarding the Christmas story based within the Hellbound Chronicles world – that is on course to be released the first week of December. Once everything is in place I will let you know here and on my Facebook page.

Regarding my plans for next year. They are close to completion, so fingers crossed I will be able to share them with you all before Christmas 🙂

On a side note – this week has been one of mini epiphanies for me. Ones that I didn’t realize I needed but I am glad they made an appearance. They’ve made me see some things in a new light and had me re-evaluate certain areas of my world. Changes are coming for the new year and I can assure you they are nothing but good ones 🙂

That’s all for now 😉
