Behind the Doors

Hi everyone and welcome back to my world 🙂

Whether it is the approach of summer or something else, I’m not sure, but there have been a lot of things going on, good things I hasten to add. I’m still working on my three wi.p’s and they are all moving nicely towards the end of their respective editing processes. My muse, bless her, was quiet for a while. She probably needed a vacation and given the chaos in my brain at times I couldn’t blame her if she took one.

While she was away I took some time to deal with things locked behind internal doors and I’ve realized that move should have been taken earlier. It’s truly amazing how much weight you didn’t know you carried lifts off your shoulders when you internally look at something, acknowledge it, and in so doing remove it. And boy, my brain has a lot of stuff to unpack 😀

Now whether it’s due to that process taking place or not, I don’t know, but my muse is back on the job and I’m fleshing out the bones of a new story. This one is going to be worked on as and when I can, so it probably won’t be published until either the end of this year or the start of next. I will of course keep you all updated on the progress of all my works currently underway.

Remember within all the chaos and mayhem of life to take some time for you. Relax, recharge, and always, always be kind to yourself 🙂


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