
Hi everyone,

Sorry for not putting up a post sooner. Life, and a particularly nasty virus combined to knock me on my proverbial rear. I’m currently playing catch up on a lot of things, but during my illness something strange happened.

As a writer my books usually take between two to three months to complete and that’s from the first idea to publishing. With my current wip that has changed. I anticipated on getting Ghosts of the Past out around the start of April, but it didn’t happen. At some point prior to that date my viewpoint regarding my writing changed.

I’m now spending more time over what I put down on paper. I’m stepping out of my own way to listen to what the characters want, not what I think they want. After all it is their story I’m telling and I want it to be the best it can be. More hours are being spent on editing, proofreading, checking research, and if needed, rewriting chunks of it.

Does all this mean I’ve grown as a writer? Yes. As creators of worlds I think we all reach a point in our journey where we are ready to take the next step. My step increased my confidence in my ability as a writer, it also made me less afraid to change a release date if I believe changes need to be made. New adventures await us all, so let’s keep moving forward to embrace them and share them with our readers
